Stiff Wire Collars

These collars are made with some stuff called "memory wire". It's great to work with! No thread, no needles, no beeswax. Its just me, the beads, and a pair of pliers! Until of course I finish a necklace and decide that the beads I put at the center aren't quite right.


  C1. The deep blue in this necklace needed a little copper to set the off and plenty of sparkly silver to get their highlight to pop out.
C2. I really like this necklace! The green bugle beads didn't come from my usual bead sources, and they're cut very roughly. When I use them with thread they tend to saw right through it. But they have a beautiful, rich color. Wire is really their medium.
  C3. The recycled necklace! I don't just say that because these are the color you tend to find on recycled product logos, though perhaps I was responding to subliminal pressure ...

Anyway, I initially made the most awful necklace with these beads. Bleah. I get an extra surge of happiness looking at this necklace, knowing I rescued it from my own foolishness!
  C4. This necklace is made with carnelian. Initially I was trying to build in the Egyptian style, but I found that storm blue and silver suit the carnelian better than the golds and greens I had at the time.

I've got plenty more though, and I'll be trying again!


Woven Earrings | Earrings | Woven Necklaces | Necklaces | Collars



© 2012 Lara Bainbridge - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED